draft status
The agent is modeled to be in a state $s$ and can perform actions $a$.
At each step $t$ the agent:
The environment:
Here we assume that the environment is fully observable. So each observation corresponds to a state:
$$ s_t = o_t $$(If the environment is not fully observable we have a "Partially Observable Markov Decision Processes" POMDP.)
A countable MDP (Markov Decision Process) is defined as a triple $\mathcal M = (\mathcal{S, A, P_0}) $ with
That's the model of the enviroment and the agent.
From the definition we also have a reward function $\mathcal R(s,a)$ which is the expected reward for taking action $a$ in state $s$:
$$ \mathcal R(s,a) = \mathbb E [R \mid S = s, A =a]=\int_{\mathbb R} \sum_{\mathcal s' \in S} R \cdot P_0(s',R \mid s,a) dR $$We will explicit represent the function as matrix, so we will use the notation $\mathcal R_s^a$.
Analog we also have a function (of three variables) if the next state $s'$ at time $t+1$ is also given:
$$ \mathcal R(s, a, s') = \mathcal R_{s,s'}^a =\mathbb E [R \mid S_t = s, A =a, S_{t+1}=s'] = \int_{\mathbb R} R \cdot P_0(s',R \mid s,a) dR $$A state $S_t=s$ includes all information about the past to predict future states. Additional information about the past such as previous states and action doesn't give more information about future states.
In other word the states are Markovian, i.e.:
$$ \mathbb P[S_{t+1}, R_{t+1} \mid S_t; A_t] = \mathbb P[S_{t+1}, R_{t+1} \mid S_1, A_1 \dots , S_{t-1}, A_{t-1}, S_{t}; A_{t}] $$From $\mathcal P_0$ we can derive the state transition probability kernel $\mathcal P$ which for any $(s, a, s') \in \mathcal S \times \mathcal A \times \mathcal S$ triple gives the probability of moving from state $s$ to some other state $s'$ provided that action $a$ was chosen in $s$:
$$ P(s,a,s') = P_0(\{s'\} \times \mathbb R \mid a, s) $$The probability for the states can be represented as a vector. For Jacks Car Rental:
$$ p(\vec s) = \begin{pmatrix} p(S=s_0) \\ p(S=s_1) \\ p(S=s_2) \\ \dots \\ p(S=s_{21}) \\ p(S=s_{22}) \\ \dots \\ p(S=s_{440}) \end{pmatrix} \begin{matrix}(0,0) \\ (0,1) \\ (0,2)\\ \dots \\ (1,0) \\ (1,1) \\ \dots \\ (20,20) \end{matrix} $$Actions are the nightly movements of the cars. We encode them as a number between -5 to 5, e.g.:
action_space = np.arange(-TRANSFER_MAX, TRANSFER_MAX+1)
print(action_space) # cars moved
print(np.arange(11)) # action indices
[-5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5] [ 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10]
(441, 441, 11)
Let's construct the expected reward aka reward function $$ \mathcal R(s,a) = \mathcal R_s^a = \mathbb E[R \mid s, a] $$
def get_reward():
poisson_mask = np.zeros((2, MAX_CAPACITY+1, MAX_CAPACITY+1))
po = (scipy.stats.poisson.pmf(np.arange(MAX_CAPACITY+1), REQUEST_RATE[A]),
scipy.stats.poisson.pmf(np.arange(MAX_CAPACITY+1), REQUEST_RATE[B]))
for loc in (A,B):
for i in range(MAX_CAPACITY+1):
poisson_mask[loc, i, :i] = po[loc][:i]
poisson_mask[loc, i, i] = po[loc][i:].sum()
# the poisson mask contains the probability distribution for renting x cars (x column)
# in each row j, with j the number of cars available at the location
reward = np.zeros([MAX_CAPACITY+1, MAX_CAPACITY+1, 2*TRANSFER_MAX+1])
for a in range(MAX_CAPACITY+1):
for b in range(MAX_CAPACITY+1):
for action in range(-TRANSFER_MAX, TRANSFER_MAX+1):
moved_cars = min(action, a) if action>=0 else max(action, -b)
a_ = a - moved_cars
a_ = min(MAX_CAPACITY, max(0, a_))
b_ = b + moved_cars
b_ = min(MAX_CAPACITY, max(0, b_))
reward_a = np.dot(poisson_mask[A, a_], np.arange(MAX_CAPACITY+1))
reward_b = np.dot(poisson_mask[B, b_], np.arange(MAX_CAPACITY+1))
reward[a, b, action+TRANSFER_MAX] = (
(reward_a + reward_b) * RENTAL_INCOME -
np.abs(action) * TRANSFER_COST )
#if a==20 and b==20 and action==0:
# print (a_,b_, action)
# print (reward_a, reward_b)
# print (reward[a, b, action+TRANSFER_MAX])
return reward
Reward = get_reward()
A policy $\pi$ is the behaviour of an agent. It maps states $s$ to actions $a$:
A stationary policy $\pi$ and a MDP induce a MRP. Choose always the action $a$ according to the policy $\pi$.
A Markov Reward Process (MRP) is a tuple $\langle \mathcal{S}, \mathcal P_0'\rangle$ with
This implies again a reward function $\mathcal R^\pi(s)$ resp. $\mathcal R^\pi_s$ as for the MDP.
Note that the indicies of the matrix are $ss'$ in contrast to the above constructed state transition kernel which has the indicies $s'sa$.
Given a MDP $\langle \mathcal{S, A, \mathcal P_o} \rangle$ and a policy $\pi$:
# choose in each state action 2 (move two cars from A to B)
policy = np.ones((MAX_CAPACITY+1)**2, dtype=int) * 2
(441, 11)
def get_P_reward_for_policy(policy):
P_pi = get_transition_kernel_for_policy(policy)
return P_pi, Reward[range((MAX_CAPACITY+1)**2), policy+TRANSFER_MAX]
policy = np.ones((MAX_CAPACITY+1)**2, dtype=int) * 5
P_pi, reward = get_P_reward_for_policy(policy)
plot3d_over_states(reward, 'avg reward')
The return $G_t$ is defined as the total discounted reward:
$$ G_t = R_{t+1} + \gamma R_{t+2} + \gamma^2 R_{t+3} + \dots = \sum_{k=0}^\infty \gamma^k R_{t+k+1} $$The state-value function $v_\pi (s)$ of an MDP is the expected return starting from state $s$, and then follow policy $\pi$
$$ v_\pi (s) = \mathbb E_\pi[G_t \mid S_t=s] = \mathbb E \left[ \sum_{t'=t}^\infty \gamma^{t'-t} R_{t'+1} \mid S_t=s \right], s \in \mathcal S $$The value function can be decomposed into an immediate part and the discounted value function of the successor states:
$$ v_\pi(s) = \mathbb E[G_t \mid S_t =s] \\ = \mathbb E [R_{t+1}+γR_{t+2}+\gamma^2 R_{t+3} + \dots \mid S_t =s] \\ = \mathbb E [R_{t+1} + \gamma (R_{t+2}+\gamma R_{t+3} + \dots ) \mid S_t = s] \\ = \mathbb E [R_{t+1} + \gamma G_{t+1} \mid S_t = s] \\ = \mathbb E [ R_{t+1} \mid S_t = s]+ \gamma v_\pi(S_{t+1} ) $$so we have the Bellmann Equation (for deterministic Policies): $$ v_\pi(s) = \mathcal R_s + \gamma \sum_{s'\in \mathcal S} P_{ss'}^\pi v_\pi (s') $$
Note: $v(s')$ are the values of the successor states of $s$, so in $\sum_{s'\in \mathcal S} P_{ss'} v(s')$ the weights $P_{ss'}$ of the values $v(s')$ are the transitions back in time.
also for non deterministic policies:
$$ v_\pi(s) = \sum_a \pi(a \mid s) \left( \mathcal R_s^a + \gamma \sum_{s' \in \mathcal S} \mathcal P^a_{s,s'} v_\pi(s')\right) $$Bellmann equations in vector-matrix form: $$ \vec v = \mathcal R^{\pi} + \gamma P^{\pi} \vec v $$
Here we can direcly solve the Bellmann equation: $$ \vec v = (I - \gamma \mathcal P)^{-1} \mathcal R $$
def evaluate_policy(policy):
P_pi_transpose, reward = get_P_reward_for_policy(policy)
### Here we must use P_pi_transpose.T - transformation back in time to the previous state!
values = np.dot(np.linalg.inv(np.eye((MAX_CAPACITY+1)**2) - GAMMA * P_pi_transpose.T), reward)
return values
policy_ = np.zeros(((MAX_CAPACITY+1)**2), dtype=int)
values = evaluate_policy(policy_)
plot3d_over_states(values, 'v')
Computing the state-value function $v^\pi(s)$ for an arbitrary policy by an iterative application of Bellman expectation backup is called policy evaluation:
The optimal value $v^*(s)$ of state $s \in \mathcal S$ gives the highest achievable expected return when the process is started from state $s$. The function $v^* : \mathcal S \rightarrow \mathbb R$ is called the optimal value function.
For the greedy policy improvement we need the model (transition probabilities) if we are using the value function $v(s)$: For each action compute the probabilities of the next states and calculate the average value.
"Policy iteration often converges in surprisingly few iterations."[SuBa]
def greedy_improve(values):
P_ = P.transpose(1, 0, 2) # we used the model for improvement
all_pure_states = np.eye((MAX_CAPACITY+1)**2)
new_states = np.dot(all_pure_states, P_)
average_new_values = np.dot(new_states.transpose(2,1,0), values)
average_new_values = average_new_values.T + Reward
policy_indices = np.argmax(average_new_values, axis=1)
policy = policy_indices - TRANSFER_MAX
return policy
values_ = evaluate_policy_by_iteration(policy)
plot3d_over_states(values_, 'v')
The action-value function $q_\pi (s,a)$ of an MDP is the expected return starting from state $s$ with action $a$, and then follow policy $\pi$
$$ q^\pi (s,a) = \mathbb E_\pi[G_t \mid S_t=s, A_t=a] $$The optimal action-value $q^*(s, a)$ of state-action pair $(s,a) \in \mathcal S \times \mathcal A$ gives the highest achievable expected return when the process is started from state $s$, and the first action chosen is $a$. The function $q^* : \mathcal S \times \mathcal A \rightarrow \mathbb R$ is called the optimal action-value function.
for a deterministic policy: $$ q_\pi(s, a) = \mathcal R_s^a + \gamma \sum_{s' \in \mathcal S} \mathcal P^a_{s,s'} q_\pi(s',\pi(s')) $$
Computing the state-action-value function $q^\pi(s, a)$ for an arbitrary policy by an iterative application of Bellman expectation backup is also called policy evaluation:
def greedy_improve_Q(Q):
return np.argmax(Q, axis=1) - TRANSFER_MAX
policy = np.ones((MAX_CAPACITY+1)**2, dtype=int) * 0
Q = np.zeros([(MAX_CAPACITY+1)**2, 2*TRANSFER_MAX+1])
while not converged:
new_Q = evaluate_policy_Q_by_iteration(policy, Q)
policy = greedy_improve_Q(Q)
if np.allclose(new_Q, Q):
converged = True
Q = new_Q
From the Bellmann optimality equation we can derive an iterative method to find the optimal value function:
$$ v_{k+1}(S_t = s) = \max_a \mathbb E[R_{t+1} + \gamma v_k(S_{t+1}=s') \mid S_t=s, A_t=a] \\ = \max_a \left( \mathcal R_{s}^a + \gamma \sum_{s'} \mathcal P_{ss'}^a v_k(s')\right) $$converged = False
values = np.zeros((MAX_CAPACITY+1)**2)
P_ = P.transpose(1,2,0)
while not converged:
rs = Reward + GAMMA * np.dot(P_, values)
new_values = np.max(rs, axis = 1)
if np.allclose(values, new_values):
converged = True
values = new_values
policy = np.argmax(Reward + GAMMA * np.dot(P_, values) , axis=1) - TRANSFER_MAX